Gabriele Dragotto

CEO and Co-founder

[email protected]

I am the CEO and co-founder of ZERO, a AI-powered startup that helps supermarkets make better decisions with their data.

Previously, I worked at Princeton as a Data X Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton's Center for Statistics and Machine Learning and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton's Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering. I hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Polytechnique Montreal, where I worked at the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making on my thesis “Mathematical Programming Games”. My research research was at the interface of mathematical optimization, particularly discrete optimization, game theory, and machine learning. I am broadly interested in improving decision-making when there is plenty of data, competitive interactions, scarce resources, and limited time to make decisions. I also hold a B.Sc. in Engineering and Management from Politecnico di Torino, and I spent my Erasmus exchange at Tampere University of Technology. I was born (roughly) when this show was airing in Torino (Italy). I grew up in Trofarello, a small town in the urban area surrounding the Piedmontese capital.